Sunday, February 13, 2011

Grace that is Greater

So last week was...bumpy.  As it ended this weekend, though, I was overwhelmed by how much I have to be thankful for.  And ultimately, God's Grace is Greater.  Greater than my sin and guilt.  Greater than any bumps in the road.  Greater than my sadness AND Greater than my joy.  It is just Greater.  And today as I start a new week, I am so thankful for that.

Here are some other things I'm thankful for that came out of this week:
    * God's instruction for the older women to teach the younger women.  So thankful to the older woman at church who listened, taught and prayed with me this week.

    * Courage from the Holy Spirit when my heart is racing with fear.

    * New friends who "braved" an icy night to come for our weekly Supper Club and who stayed to pray together. 

    * Lockdown at the prison so I got a night off from teaching :)

    * A great haircut from a wonderful stylist (even if I do have to drive back 2 hours to get to her!)

    * Time with this sweet boy who proved to me without a doubt that he is a crawler!!  :)

Check out the bib....!
    * Authentic Chinese food with the sweet boy's parents.  Thanks for the time.   

    * 1st time eating Cheese Blintzes - oh my goodness - an amazing Sat morn breakfast at a local Dallas spot with best friend Jenni

     * A beautiful Texas Blue Sky on a warm afternoon after 2 weeks of ice and cold.

     * Blessed praise music and scriptural teaching at my new church.

Of course you can't really capture the blue, but I tried. 
This was taken on the site where my church has broken ground to build its first building! 
    *  An afternoon of watching "Anne of Green Gables" on PBS.  Nothing like childhood loves.  And oh, the truths she speaks.  "Every day is brand new with no mistakes in it."

An "attitude of gratitude" always sounds so cheesy to me, but I have learned over the years it is one of the most powerful ways God can change me.  May that be my attitude every day.

p.s. Bart Millard (lead singer of MercyMe) has 2 albums he recorded of hymns.  Some are fairly straightlaced, but most have some fun little musical backgrounds (country, New Orleans jazz, etc).  His rendition of Grace That is Greater is one I can just put on repeat and sing away.  I highly recommend it if you are blessed by hymns (and maybe even if you're not!)


  1. I didn't know you had a blog. I will read and comment! One - I wish I could spend an afternoon with Anne. I can't wait till the girls get bigger so we can enjoy her together!

  2. I'm so sorry it's been a hard week. This is a great post though and I am so glad that there have been so many things that you can see that have been full of grace and have been beautiful in this week! I love Anne of Green Gables! Please tell me you have also read the books. So, so good!

    I don't know if I've had cheese blintzes. Sounds like a must try. Where did y'all have them?

    Cutie nephew!

    I LOVE that you're doing a supper club! Yea for new friends and ones who don't wimp out at that.

    Yea for lockdowns. :)

    It also makes me excited to hear these things about your new church. What a blessing!!


  3. Sarah,
    What a nice reminder of God's grace in our lives. I'm so glad your eyes were open to the wonderful things around you even in the midst of "bumpiness." I love the picture of the blue Texas sky AND I love Anne. I watched her last week too! Praying for you.


Thanks for dropping by!