Sunday, November 20, 2011

Purple White Purple White Fight Fight Fight

Hoping to do some catch-up blogs from the last couple's the first one.

September 17, 2011 
I must confess to not really being a big football fan, but I do love to take advantage of new experiences and I also enjoy supporting my alma mater ACU.  So when they played a game in the new Cowboys stadium this September, I decided to go.  Unfortunately, we didn’t win, but a good time was had by many alumni.  It was like a mini-reunion at the reception beforehand and the stadium is truly massive and impressive.  I’m just happy to have seen it without having to buy a professional ticket J
A few pics to remember: 
So cool to see ACU on the BBBIIIIGGG screen. 

Funny pictures of what the women in front of us were doing during the game. (I did at least pay attention during the game - and my friend Katie told me I did know all the basics :) 

Katie & I after the game (yeah, it was a bit warm & humid – hence the shiny face!)

The Keyes family!

p.s. Post title is part of the ACU fight song

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