Friday, August 13, 2010

Let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start

I've been reading blogs for years and enjoying the peeks into other people's lives, but never felt compelled to write my own.  Still not sure if this will work, but have decided to have a go at it.  I've realized with all the social networking and blogworld, I can keep up with others, but no one knows what's going on with me.  As I start a new job in my new small town, I refuse to feel cut off from people, and this feels like it's a way to stay connected. 

Though God has delivered me from the perils of the perfectionism that dictated much of my past, there are still times it creeps in - one of which being, what would be the "perfect" first blog for me. 
Really?  Just start. 

Just so happens 2 big events occur this week in the Booker family - Dad turns 60 and Parents celebrate 39 years of marriage!!!  What a blessing for us to celebrate these milestones (with a fabulous meal) - and for me to introduce myself to the blogworld. 

My beginning:  Terry & Virginia - still very much in love.  What a role model for us.

What would I do without their support and encouragement??  As I traverse this single life, I feel blessed to have their Counsel without Pressure, their Love without Judgement.

And our family is made complete with brother Jason and his wife Leigh Ann...

...and our newest Booker joy....Holt!! (I'm sure he'll monopolize many future posts!)

That's enough to get started, right?? 
p.s. Those of you who know my passion for Broadway musicals, let's see how many posts I can name with a song lyric? :)
p.p.s. I look forward to knowing someone is reading this, so please comment!!!


  1. Congratulations, Sarah, on taking on such a momentous step: a blog!

    The pics are a good touch. Keep it going and keep in touch.

  2. loving the Sound of Music reference!! now I'll go to bed with that in my head.....

    great job on the first post....looking forward to many more. :-)

  3. look forward to the upcoming post!! ours is if you want to check ours out!!

  4. I glad that I can keep up with your life since you moved! Good luck on all the new adventures!

  5. Hey Sarah! Great idea. Looking forward to reading your posts.


  6. Now I can stalk you! Perfect. I would also like to see you title every single entry with a song lyric. I have faith in you.

    Love you, friend.

  7. Yea!!! I like the look of your blog, I like your self-made challenge of weaving in some song lyrics, and most of all I like that you're blogging! I'm looking forward to more. I want to hear the moving story! Kelly

  8. Good first post. Glad to be able to keep up with you in between your visits out here. go for the song lyric titles!

  9. Yay for blogging! When I started I pretty much said the same thing...this will probably never last. But here I am years later (not sure how many) still sporadically posting. You can do it! And you'll love going back to see what was going on in your life. Good luck and glad to be able to keep up with you!

  10. Well, I'll be glad to read your blog and you can read mine especially if you want to cook. There are several of your Mom's and also Letitia's. What ever would have become of me without those two very special ladies in my life! Love you and hope you have a GREAT experiences in your new job and life. Keep writing.


Thanks for dropping by!