Saturday, August 14, 2010

Consider yourself at home...

...Consider yourself part of the family.

God has abundantly blessed me with good friends over the years.  It is always my prayer when I move to a new place that I have one good friend.  And He continually sends me more than I ask for!!

For the last week I have stayed at the house of one of those friends who feels like family and she graciously allowed me to come and go as if it was my home, too.   She is also the first blogger I knew (her family was always ahead of the technological curve) and so she helped me set up this blog! 

So this is a shout out to Jenni T, my college roommate and longtime friend!  Thanks for your amazing hospitality and generosity.  Thanks for your help and encouragement about this blog.  Thanks for your friendship.

In an ironic technology twist, I was able to be with her this week as she watched her first 3D movie (*Toy Story 3).  Because I know you all care, my first 3D movie was the summer of 1990 when my family experienced the short movie Captain EO starring Michael Jackson at Magic Kingdom!  Anyone else have that memory?

Here we are capturing the moment in our dorky 3D glasses.  I sorta miss the red and blue panel versions, but I don't miss the uncomfortable cardboard they used to be. 

p.s. Post title hails from "Oliver" this time.


  1.'s not that dorky. and it was worth it - well maybe not quite the 3D price tag, but the experience was fun. :-)

  2. p.s. glad you feel as if my house is home to you as well....that's the intent. :-)

  3. So glad you're blogging now! I always knew you'd be great at this and have wanted you to blog for awhile now. You did not disappoint!! I'm going to see if I can keep up with your song lyric knowledge. I'm sure you can challenge me!

  4. Is that where that song came from? I had no idea.

  5. First of all, love Oliver!

    Second, way to go on keeping up the song title.

    third, love the photo! and I agree, Jenni was the first blogger I knew too.

    Yes on Captain EO! I saw it too! Fun!

    Have a good week! Kelly


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