Sunday, August 15, 2010

May God bless you and grant you long lives.

...May God make you good mothers and wives. May He send you husbands who will care for you.

This month also celebrated my Me-Ma Booker's 80th birthday!  God has granted her long life.  He has made her a good mother and wife and sent her a husband who cared for her until a few years ago when we lost him.

I started a project a couple years ago of scanning in pictures of our Booker family, specifically focusing on my father's generation and before.  It came to fruition this summer in the form of a digital scrapbook containing some of our family history.  It was a joy to sit at her kitchen table and get stories and details documented straight from her mouth.  I learned a lot!  It took a bit of work, but I highly recommend it for every family.  As my Pa-Pa was a history teacher and my father is a history teacher, I think it's in my blood, but happy memories or not, I think it's important.  Here are a few of my favorite pics from our family.

Me-Ma (Charlotte) is the little girl standing a couple years before her mother and baby sister were killed in train/car accident.
Charlotte & JW on their wedding day - August 1949

1931: 4 Generations of family with Me-Ma as the baby - her dad, his mom, her mom.

1976:   4 Generations of family with me as the baby - my dad, his mom, her dad.

I'm sure more of these history pictures will be blogged about, but for now -
                                       Happy Birthday (again) to Me-Ma Booker.  I love you!

If you're curious about the book, here's a link to see it online.  You have to zoom in to read it, but you can skim through it to see the general idea.  MyPublisher Booker History

p.s. Post title from "Sabbath Prayer" in Fiddler on the Roof


  1. Sarah, that is awesome that you had the opportunity to sit down and chronicle your families past! I don't have any grandparents living and wish, so badly, I had thought to do that. What a treasure!

  2. I was guessing Fiddler on the Roof! This is such a neat idea and a great project that you did. What a treasure! Your Me-Ma is so pretty too. Kelly


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