Monday, September 6, 2010

I love you a bushel and a peck...

...a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck!
(Did you know this was a Broadway song???  Scroll down if you can't wait to see where it's from :)

Well, Labor Day is almost over but the weekend has been full - of a little boy being showered with bushels of love and lots of hugs around the neck!!   The first Booker grandchild (my brother and sister-in-law's son) journeyed home to visit grandparents and he's just too cute for words.  So here are several pictures from the visit.  He also got to spend time with his namesake (my grandfather) and meet a great-aunt and great-uncle for the first time.  He'll be 5 months old on Wednesday.
Holt (the elder) loves his time with Holt (the younger)!!

Holt with his Great-Grandmother Letitia

We loved seeing Holt in all the green of East Texas!
Not to be outdone - here he's "talking" to his other Great-Grandmother Charlotte!

4 Generations of Holts - Awesome!

Have I mentioned how much fun we had together??

Another happy Booker family picture
(Thanks, Maggie!)

p.s. Song title from "Guys & Dolls"


  1. I love generation pictures. So fun.....looks like you all had a good time! :-)

    ....a hug around the neck and a barrel and a heap!

  2. Totally adorable pictures. Love seeing your family!
    love you,

  3. Guys and Dolls! I had forgotten! He is super cute!! So glad you had fun. Kelly


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